Saturday, August 11, 2018

Markets Update: Crypto Prices Consolidate After Some Volatility

Cryptocurrencies markets have been volatile and very indecisive over the last 48-hours as the entire digital asset economy lost billions in value since US regulators postponed their decision concerning the Cboe/Vaneck BTC-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) last week. This Saturday, August 11, during the afternoon’s digital currency trading sessions (EDT), cryptocurrency trade volumes and price values […]

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Satoshi Nakamoto Hunted Internationally, Bounty Grows

#Findsatoshi is the latest effort to galvanize worldwide support in order to, once and for all, find the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. The group has taken to an international crowdfunding campaign, enlisting world class private detectives from Japan to New York, and everywhere in-between.  Also read: Report: 15,000 Twitter Crypto Scam Giveaway Bots […]

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Crypto Markets Slump Again, With Bitcoin Holding Gains

After a short-lived recovery attempt yesterday, the crypto markets have seen another slump today, with Bitcoin being a notable exception. Saturday, Aug. 11: after short-lived recovery attempt yesterday, cryptocurrencies have suffered another slump today. Almost all cryptocurrencies are down by significant percentages, with Bitcoin (BTC) being a notable exception among the top 20 market cap, […]

Crypto Markets Slump Again, With Bitcoin Holding Gains is courtesy of: JUST BITCOIN NEWS SERVICE

Crypto Markets Slump Again, With Bitcoin Holding Gains syndicated from

Wormhole Mainnet and Developers Guide Launched

There’s been a lot of activities taking place with the new project developed by Bitmain called Wormhole. The team of developers just recently launched the Wormhole mainnet where the public can see the list of coins and the generated Wormhole Cash (WHC). Meanwhile, Gabriel Cardona, the creator of the Bitcoin Cash development kit, Bitbox, released a […]

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David Marcus Steps Down From Coinbase Board to Avoid Conflict of Interest

Facebook blockchain head David Marcus is quitting the board of directors at cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase with his departure most likely being a signal that the social networking giant’s secretive blockchain efforts are progressing. In a statement published by CoinDesk David Marcus said: “Because of the new group I’m setting up at Facebook around blockchain, I’ve […]

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FinCEN Director: Agency Receives 1,500 Suspicious Activity Reports on Crypto per Month

The director of the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network says that the agency has seen a surge in filings of crypto-related Suspicious Activity Reports. Kenneth A. Blanco, director of the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), has revealed that the agency has seen a surge in filings of crypto-related Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). The number […]

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FinCEN Director: Agency Receives 1,500 Suspicious Activity Reports on Crypto per Month syndicated from

Wendy McElroy: Free-Market Law Enforcement for Crypto

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations. Section 4: State Versus Society Chapter 9, Part 6 Government is a law factory. It passes laws in the same manner that another type of factory extrudes metal molding…But, whereas a factory which extrudes metal molding is providing a product which is useful to the citizens generally, […]

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Wendy McElroy: Free-Market Law Enforcement for Crypto syndicated from